Brinsham Park in Yate has been completely re-opened as the instalment of two additional pieces of equipment is completed.

Yate Town Council has been funding the project which has seen a Mini Titan Swing and a Dragonfly Seesaw introduced.

These pieces of equipment have been included in the revamp of the park because the contractor over-ran on the original project.

Yate Town Councillor John Ford said:

“Councillors and staff at Yate Town Council negotiated a hard deal with the contractor, who originally supplied and installed the new play equipment over the summer, to supply and install additional play equipment at no cost to the Town Council, as compensation for the late delivery of the project which inconvenienced users through the busy summer months.

"The deal struck was brilliant for the play area users and enhances it a lot more than the original funding would allow.

"Our thanks to Councillors and staff in the very successful negotiating team."