A DONKEY foal savaged in a dog attack at Bramshaw in June is making a remarkable recovery.

Princess Popsy, as she's now known, was about five days old when she was found with horrific neck injuries and it was touch and go whether she would survive.

Sheena Rees and her husband John have been caring for Popsy since she was discovered with a gaping maggot-infested wound by Ray Bennett, who owns the foal's mother, Nanny.

"I am pleased to be able to say she is doing very well. Though still fragile she now looks bright and lively. We also have another new-born baby donkey so she has company, but a comparison of the two is a visual reminder of what Princess Popsy has been through," said John.

He added: "Whereas the vet was not too hopeful that she would even survive and that if she did she might need skin grafts, fur is beginning to grow over most of the wound site and we are very hopeful about her recovery."