CONCERN about a growing queue of people waiting for an allotment has led Eastleigh & Bishopstoke Allotments Co-op Association to call a public meeting tonight (Thursday).

Association secretary, Tony Murrills, said there was a "looming crisis" over shortage of plots.

Mr Murrills said: "The waiting list for allotments now totals over 300 people."

And, in the face of such a huge unmet demand, he said, Eastleigh Borough Council was now reducing provision.

He claimed that with the closing of the South Street and Monks Way sites finally confirmed by the recent High Court refusal of a judicial review, the five new sites being provided totalled less than the sites being lost.

Mr Murrills urged residents to attend the 7.30pm meeting at the Cranbury Community Centre in Cranbury Road, Eastleigh.

Information can also be obtained from the Association by telephoning 023 8026 6998 or e-mailing Meanwhile, Eastleigh council has said it has enough plots to provide for allotment holders displaced from the sites to be lost to housing.