SIR - I largely support Robert Hutchinson's views about climate change and the need to take action (Chronicle letters, July 12).

This must involve everyone using less energy and spending less on non-essentials.

However, despite the Labour government's token support for reducing carbon emissions, they have actually encouraged British people to travel more, spend more on material possessions and even to eat and drink more.

The result is that the UK's carbon emissions went up last year, while even those of the USA went down.

When John Prescott was minister responsible for transport and the environment, he said the Labour government would have failed if it did not reduce road traffic.

Well, it has failed, because road traffic has increased.

Moreover, they have encouraged a huge growth in air traffic, not just through tax policies which have caused a surge in cheap holiday flights, but also by policies such as those which have decimated UK agriculture and resulted in more of our food being imported.

Now this hypocritical government is encouraging a surge in house building, in the full knowledge that every house built in this country will itself add to our carbon emissions from the manufacture of components such as bricks, cement and furnishings, and from heating and lighting costs.

They will also generate more traffic from commuting, school runs, shopping trips and home deliveries.

It would be better for the environment to build no new homes and to improve the energy and occupancy efficiency of existing homes.

Alternatively, they should build with recycled materials, and for that reason Frank Williams' dome may be the most environmentally friendly home in Winchester.

Before building the three million new homes, shouldn't we first address the causes of the apparent crisis, including fragmentation of families, greater longevity, student takeover of affordable housing and uncontrolled immigration?

Keith Story, St Cross Road, Winchester.