SIR - Your letters correspondent, Roger Chalkley (Chronicle, July 26) is absolutely correct in his assertion that the area's gullies and drains are not properly kept by the councils.

Like him, I have, over the years, several times contacted the named individual responsible for these matters only to find that, yet again, nothing is done.

Some drains in Winchester have been blocked for years.

It is no good just checking them every few years; they need to be investigated every month at least, particularly during the autumn and winter months, and unfortunately given the huge size of the vehicles now used to clear them, in many cases men with hand equipment are needed to do the work.

Whilst Winchester is lucky to be on chalk and thus not likely to suffer floods in the same way as other towns, the Broadway is well known for flooding, and since it is surrounded by slopes will always be threatened when so much water is running down the streets.

I feel we are short-changed by our councils and think that, at times like this when the amount of rain is colossal, they should be leant upon to do the work for which we taxpayers have paid.

J Sandison, Clifton Road, Winchester.