SIR - To state that the southern park and ride scheme has "won public support except for villagers in Twyford," is misleading (Chronicle, July 26).

Winchester Friends of the Earth has made a formal objection to the scheme on a number of grounds and especially because the scheme could actually make matters worse.

If there is extra provision for commuters and long term visitors outside the city, this would free up city centre parking for short term visitors, and lead to a net increase in the number of car journeys into the city centre.

When previous P&R schemes were implemented, the city council promised to reduce short term city centre parking spaces accordingly, but they never did.

And now neither they nor the county council will commit to any action to reduce city centre parking, to make appropriate studies of traffic in and around the city, or to consider alternative transport solutions to the park and ride scheme.

Congestion and poor air quality are serious problems in Winchester and vehicle emissions are a major factor in climate change.

The city and the world needs well thought out traffic management schemes.

The current scheme for park and ride involves major costs with dubious benefits.

John Launder Oliver's Battery Crescent, Winchester.