A KEY sports club in Alresford has approved measures to help it stave off the threat of liquidation.

More than 50 members of Arlebury Park Sports and Social Club (APSSC) met to vote on changes to the club's make-up, which included severing its links with the town council and removing restrictions on the number of directors able to run the club.

The measures are designed to attract investment into the club, which is around £14,000 in debt. It also owes Greene King £40,000 for a loan used to improve the electrics and renovate the interior of Arlebury Park.

The changes may not take effect immediately - existing directors have up to 60 days to implement them, depending on the club's circumstances.

Cllr Mark Luckham, one of APSCC's directors, said that by removing town council representatives from the board, it would make the club more attractive to potential investors.

He said: "If an investor puts in his personal money he's going to want to know who the board of directors are and that it's possible to change the board, if necessary."

Cllr Luckham added he wanted to avoid liquidation because it would damage local people, many of whom are creditors.

He said: "These are people in six months' time we might be having a meal with or going to their children's christening."

Hugh Ogus, a potential investor in the club, said: "I am interested because I am president of the rugby club and the rugby club is a big part of the Arlebury Park Sports Club.

"Once the financial position is clear I am possibly willing to stand as a director but no-one in their right mind would take on anything like that without knowing the full facts."

To compound their woes, the club had a period of four weeks when they were unable to pay creditors, because the only person authorised to sign cheques - Robin Atkins - had resigned. Mr Atkins, who had been the club's finance director, quit APSSC shortly after the town council elections in May.

Mr Atkins, responding to criticism that he walked away from the club too abruptly, said: "I don't think I could have stayed with it (the club) because they are going in the wrong direction. A members' club is just not going to work in this area. I wish them well though, obviously."