A BOROUGH Liberal Democrat has claimed Conservatives on the authority's cabinet, who blocked a move to introduce kerbside glass collections in the Test Valley, were "short-sighted".

North Baddesley representaive, Cllr Steve Cosier said: "At present glass recycling in the borough is managed through the location of bins at places which are sometimes difficult to access for the elderly or have not been emptied for some weeks.

"The introduction of kerbside collection schemes make it easier and more convenient for the public to recycle their glass. In areas which introduce kerbside collections, the glass recycling rate usually doubles," said Mr Cosier.

A report to the cabinet by the borough's environment and health chief Laura Taylor stated that a kerbside glass collection service would cost at least £245,000 a year and might only increase the recycling rate by one or two per cent.

In her report Mrs Taylor said Test Valley is already well served by glass banks and multi-material neighbourhood recycling sites.

"Whilst the sites are not evenly distributed, the average density of provision is one glass bank per 670 households which is well above the UK average of 1,2700 households," states the officer.

Borough leader and head of the Conservative run authority Ian Carr said: "We will be looking at revamping our bring sites (where people take glass to specially designated banks) to make them more efficient," he said.