Hampshire Chronicle - Memorials

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Notice Type:
In Memoriam

Helen Morgan

MORGAN Helen IN LOVING MEMORY OF HELEN MORGAN To my darling wife, who was sadly taken from us on…
Published on 28/03/2024
In Memoriam

Sandra (Sandy) Proctor

PROCTOR Sandra (Sandy) Remembering our wonderful Mum, who died 2nd April 2023. Before this date,…
Published on 28/03/2024
In Memoriam

Charles Smith

SMITH Charles To my darling husband who was sadly taken from me on 14th March 2010 I love and miss…
Published on 15/03/2024
In Memoriam

Rosemary Jenner

JENNER Rosemary A service of thanksgiving for the life of Rosemary Jenner, who died on 15 January,…
Published on 14/03/2024
In Memoriam

Edith Ann Roadnight

ROADNIGHT Edith Ann My dear mum Edith Ann Roadnight who passed away on the 8th of March 2019. I…
Published on 07/03/2024
In Memoriam


STEVENSON Jill Loving memories of a dear Wife and Mother who passed away on February 29th 1980.…
Published on 29/02/2024
In Memoriam

Eileen Forrester

FORRESTER Eileen 2nd February 2012 Deep in our hearts you'll always stay, loved and remembered…
Published on 01/02/2024
In Memoriam

Mary Green

GREEN Mary In loving memory of my wife Mary. 2 years have gone by, to lose someone I loved so…
Published on 01/02/2024
In Memoriam

Robert Tanner

TANNER Robert 23.8.1950 - 1.2.2021 My darling Robert, my heart longs for your heart until we meet…
Published on 26/01/2024
In Memoriam

Anita Reynolds

REYNOLDS Anita In loving memory of Anita Reynolds who sadly left us on the 10th January 2023. She…
Published on 12/01/2024
In Memoriam


FORRESTER Cecil 11th January 2003 The years may pass but our happy memories never fade. Frances…
Published on 11/01/2024
In Memoriam

Jennifer Carol Scott (née Mabey)

SCOTT (née Mabey) Jennifer Carol Much loved Wife, Mum, Nanny, Great Nanny and Sister. Your life…
Published on 28/12/2023