
  • Force shake-up could leave town with fewer police

    ASSURANCES have been given by Western Hampshire's most senior officer that policing in and around the Romsey area will not suffer as a result of a major shake-up which could mean fewer officers in the town. In unveiling new neighbourhood policing and

  • Yob factor sees crime figures soar

    CRIME is soaring in the Test Valley and yobbish behaviour is the main reason behind the trend. But both Hampshire police and the borough council say the area is still a safe place to live and work. Latest figures show that crime has risen by 10 per cent

  • ‘UK’s fastest builder’, firm’s claim

    A COMPANY in Eastleigh town centre claims to be the fastest builder in the UK. For years, the firm - Composite - has been using prefabrication to speed the construction process for schemes such as prisons and multi-storey car parks. Now the national