A DRIVING school is urging young drivers in Winchester to stay away from drink at New Year’s Eve parties tonight.

BSM driving school has come up with a five-point plan to avoid accidents on the road.

The plan is as follows: - Not getting into a car with a driver you know to be over the legal alcohol limit or who has taken an illegal substance.

- Looking after your friends – if you know someone is over the limit or has taken an illegal drug try to persuade them not to drive. Peer pressure can be used positively.

- Adopting a ‘zero tolerance’ position by not drinking any alcohol if driving.

- Not taking any illegal drugs if driving.

- Organising a designated driver or pre-booking a licensed taxi for New Year’s Eve.

A BSM study suggests only 59 per cent of young drivers would try to stop a friend drink driving while only 54 per cent would try to stop a friend under the influence of drugs from driving.

But Mark Peacock, head of BSM, said: “We are really urging young drivers to take care of themselves and their friends on the biggest party night of the year. “The majority of them do have a sensible attitude to keeping themselves and their friends safe and we need to encourage this to spread further in their peer group.”