WINCHESTER council chief has taken the highly unusual step of publicly backing his chief executive.

Cllr Stephen Godfrey has written to the Chronicle to defend Simon Eden who has come under fire over the Silver Hill scheme.

Critics, including rebel councillor Kim Gottlieb have called on Mr Eden to resign in the wake of the damning Claer Lloyd-Jones report.

Cllr Gottlieb repeated the call in a letter to the Chronicle last week saying Mr Eden was "responsible for the management of the council's actions that the High Court found to be unlawful."

Cllr Godfrey wrote: "I commend the leadership and support that he has given to the 450 or so other loyal and talented officers that serve our residents so diligently."

Speaking to the Chronicle Cllr Godfrey added: "In the last couple of weeks there have been a number of public comments which have been ill-informed and misguided which have been directed at our officers and in particular at the chief executive, which have unfairly damaged the reputation and impression people have of public services.

"I'm concerned about how they are treated and perceived by the public. They work hard to deliver very good services to residents. I do not want people to get the impression they are not being well served by diligent and hard-working officers."

He explained why he wrote the letter: "I don't want to give the impression that I and most other councillors do not support the officers. They are not permitted to speak out on their own behalf."

Cllr Godfrey said it was wrong to think Mr Eden somehow made policy. "They do not make decisions. They are there to do the bidding of the elected representatives, the councillors. Simon Eden has done an excellent job."

Cllr Godfrey criticised his Conservative colleague Kim Gottlieb's comments as "inappropriate."

Only a few weeks ago Cllr Gottlieb survived a motion with the local party to expel him from the group.

The public anger over Silver Hill has sparked the launch of the Winchester Independents who plan to contest seats at the city council elections on May 5. Around 120 people attended a launch meeting last Thursday.