A WINCHESTER college has crowned the winners of its first ever 48-hour film competition.

Peter Symonds College named Misha Jessel Kenyon, 18, John Gilbert, 17, and Abi Smith, 18, the winners for their film ‘Rewind’, a piece following an elderly man reminiscing about his youth while listening to songs of the time on a cassette players.

There were 63 students taking part making films which could last up to five minutes, had to make reference to the term ‘tape’, and has to be shot in just two days.

Much of the filming took place through the night at the college’s edit suite while a temporary green-screen studio was kept open around the clock.

Glen Jevon, media instructor at the college, said: “At 3.30am there were 41 students busy editing in our suite – it was exciting to see some truly incredible films being produced in such a short space of time.”