HISTORY enthusiasts got to learn more about almshouses.

WARG – the society for Winchester archaeology and local history – was forced to get one of their own members Steve Taylor to give a talk after their booked speaker failed to turn up in the cinema at the Hampshire Record Office, in Winchester on December 12.

Fifty of its members and guests heard a brief history of almshouses and hospitals, showing their evolution from religious foundations until the dissolution under Henry VIII changed the way they worked.

Almshouses in the area included St Cross Hospital, St John’s Charity and Peter Symonds’ almshouses.

The group’s next meeting on January 9 is a members only New Year’s party, but on February 13 Chief Inspector Clifford Williams will give a report on the history of Winchester Police.

Non-members £3.

For more information call 01962 867490 or log on to warg.org.uk.