SNOW shovels will be offered to primary schools across the county to help clear paths and playgrounds during the next cold snap.

Hampshire County Council is preparing for the worst after two successive years when snow and ice brought much of the county to a halt.

County salt stocks have been replenished and 2,000 new grit bins distributed to parish councils along with snow shovels.

Highways teams have been out filling the blue bins and will grit main roads to keep traffic moving in icy weather.

Councillor Mel Kendal, executive member for environment and transport, said: “Hampshire has suffered some severe weather during the past few winters which has perfectly demonstrated the importance of being prepared.

“We’ve worked with parish and town councils and community groups across the county to ensure that everyone can play a part in keeping Hampshire moving during the winter and the provision of extra salt bins and snow shovels in the community means that we’ll all be even more resilient to snow and ice this winter.”

The county council doubled its stock of road salt last year to 12,000 tonnes – more than twice the recommended level. A new salt barn has been built in Micheldever.

Amey, the council’s highways contractor, is offering the free snow shovels to all primary schools in Hampshire.