CAR thieves have again been active in the Winchester area.

Vehicles have been targeted at Cheesefoot Head, Avington Park, Five Bridges Road, St Cross, and Otterbourne.

The thefts happened between Monday, April 5 and Thursday, April 8.

In the Cheesefoot Head theft, sometime between 5.50pm and 6.25pm on Tuesday, a 28-year-old man had left his vehicle secure, only walking a few hundred metres from it for a short time. When he returned he found his sat-nav stolen.

crime prevention officer Tanya Thompson said: “We are appealing for witnesses to the Cheesefoot Head incident as it occurred during the early evening and there may have been people passing.

“Theft from vehicles is a crime that the police take very seriously and unfortunately increases at this time of year, particularly in beauty spots and car parks where the owners are away from their vehicles for some time.

Inspector Pat Reddin said: “We will continue carry out regular patrols in these areas to deter criminals from breaking into vehicles.”