A BID to raise £150,000 to convert part of a historic Winchester building into a youth club has been launched.

The city’s YMCA plans to open it beneath St John’s House in The Broadway, opposite King Alfred’s Statue.

The building dates to medieval times and its Georgian ballroom welcomed the likes of Niccolò Paganini and Franz Liszt.

Now the venue could play host to scores of Winchester youngsters if the YMCA’s plan succeeds.

Earlier this year it took on the running of the building from the St John’s Winchester Charity, which owns the property.

The YMCA plans to use the ballroom for weddings, meetings and other functions.

Downstairs in the gothic undercroft, which is mainly 13th century with some Saxon parts, the idea is to open a separate youth club.

Programme manager, Simon Dodd, said they asked 600 youngsters in the district what it should offer.

Based on the results there will be a non-alcoholic café bar, live music space, and screenings of films and sports events.

Mr Dodd said they already used the undercroft on a trial basis a few times each month, but the goal was to open it every night except Sunday. To keep costs down, they hope to find some volunteers to work alongside charity staff.

Winchester YMCA chief executive, Mike Simpson, said they were putting £300,000 towards the £450,000 scheme.

He added that their share was part of the proceeds from selling their old base at Weeke in the 1990s.

Mr Simpson is now urging councils, local donors, trusts and grant-making bodies to provide the rest of the money.

He added that if the cash is not found then the refit would still happen but some parts would be shelved, such as new toilets costing £42,000.

Kevin Reader of Caris Architecture is designing the café bar, and said they were about to seek planning permission.

If approved, the refit could start in spring next year, and the venue could open fully in the summer.

To launch the fund-raising campaign around 75 people were due to meet at the venue last night (Wednesday, November 18) as the Chronicle went to press.

Call 01962 864234 or visit www.ymcawinchester.org.uk for more details about the campaign.

Youngsters are also being asked to suggest names for the café.