FESTIVE fundraisers are needed to part in a Santa Fun Run in Winchester on December 6.

Around 100 runners are expected for the event which will see runners donning Santa suits to run, jog or walk the 5km route in aid of Naomi House Children’s Hospice.

The event takes place at Winchester Rugby Club and starts at 10.30am.

Entry is £15 for adults and £10 for under 14s, with a minimum age of 12 years old, and fun runners are encouraged to raise as much money in sponsorship as they can. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.

Each runner will receive a Santa suit to run in on the day, refreshments and a medal.

For more information contact Katrina on 01962 843513 or email katrina.mcduff@naomihouse.org.uk Closing date for entries is November 30.