WINCHESTER'S ancient history can be seen through the eyes of some of its youngest residents at the City Museum's latest exhibit.

Youngsters from Winnall Primary School were challenged to investigate the Winchester's history and produce a display for the attraction.

The children, from Year 5 and 6, gathered inspiration by visiting city landmarks such as The Buttercross and walking through the water meadows.

"The theme has been incredibly successful," said Vicky Cromwell, a teacher at the school. "Many of the children did not know the wonders that Winchester held.

"Knowing that the children were going to have their work displayed has inspired them to work as hard as they can and they all feel incredibly proud to have their work on display for Winchester to see."

Robin Iles, education officer for Winchester City Council's museums service, said: "I am most impressed by the thought and creativity shown in the children's work.

"It is refreshing to view the history of Winchester through the eyes of today's young citizens and it is a great pleasure to display their work in their local museum for all to see".

The exhibit is on display at the City Museum - where admission is free - in The Square until Friday, December 4.