EXCITEMENT is growing for an art exhibition in Winchester this weekend – almost literally!

Artist Laura Ellen Bacon has created a giant art installation at the Discovery Centre made from Hampshire tree branches and willow.

It is part of the Making It festival of creativity which begins today (oct 11) and runs until Sunday (oct 14).

Several artists are visiting the city with their own unique brand with Laura, from Derbyshire, specialising in woven pieces.

She said: “I was thrilled to be invited to this festival and I was approached some time ago and when I came down to see the gallery space I was enthralled by the scale and quality of the gallery.

“This work is a progression of a project I did in 2009 and because I had this wonderful long and simple gallery available I thought it would be ideal to develop this further. It’s not quite finished yet so I still have the adrenaline rushing around but it’s been a very happy experience for me.”

She has been designing the piece since April and has spent the last two weeks building it at the Jewry Street venue, with help from a team of around 12-15 volunteers.

It is Laura’s first visit to Winchester but she said she appreciated the beauty of the city.