SIR — As an annual season ticket holder for Tower Street car park, I am at my wits end. Although my ticket costs £1,190 per annum, I accept that I am not guaranteed a car parking space and that if I arrive after 9am I may have to drive round until one becomes free.

What I cannot accept is the absolute mess and chaos we have had to endure for a number of months now.

The car park is often partly flooded so getting a dry parking space has been a lottery. This week is a particular disgrace. This morning (Tuesday) the majority of the ground floor car park was under water and unless you wear Wellington boots you have no hope of keeping your feet dry! There were a few dry spaces but the workmen sealed them off for themselves. In fact, this morning my colleague was unable to park in a dry space as one had parked his car across three of them.

The ceiling of the car park is cracked in a number of places and liquid leaks through these cracks. Twice I have had to use bird lime remover and lots of elbow grease to remove the stains on my car caused by these drips, although sadly this has not been completely successful.

The car park is also more hazardous since the barriers have been removed. These segregated the lanes of parked cars, but also controlled the flow of traffic in one direction. However, drivers are now cutting across lanes and driving in all directions — surely an accident waiting to happen!

So, not only do you now have to avoid the spaces under the cracked ceiling, but also those that are underwater or reserved by workmen, whilst keeping a watchful eye for drivers going in the wrong direction. How much longer are the paying public expected to put up with this?

Caroline Justice, Eastleigh.