SIR - I refer to the letters in the Chronicle from Chris Corcoran on May 31, and Frank Williams on June 14.

On April 7, I wrote to the Right Hon Ruth Kelly MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, requesting a Public Inquiry concerning the revised proposals for the Silver Hill/Friarsgate development.

I asked why/if Winchester City Council should be permitted to contravene its own policy briefs which are rigorously applied to others for the conservation of historic Winchester - the density and height of buildings, the traffic control and air pollution policies for the city centre to the detriment of those who live there.

I pointed out that the council's own conservation officer spoke at a public meeting on why he opposed the scheme, and that the two members of the planning committee who represent city wards voted against the development only to be outvoted by representatives from outlying villages.

The letter was not answered by the Secretary of State but by an unelected official from the Government of the South East, who said my comments would be taken into account in deciding whether or not to call in the application.

Is it surprising that fewer people believe that their valid objections will be taken seriously?

Just like the Bar End travesty all over again!

D Budd, Beaufort Road, Winchester.