WINCHESTER Rotarians travelled to Uganda to forge links with local clubs and spread education resources to schools.

Teachers John and Myra Wilkinson visited 12 schools to support Education Uganda, a Stockbridge-based charity bringing resources and expertise to local primary schools.

During the two-week trip, Mrs Wilkinson, a microbiologist, taught laboratory safety to hospital technicians.

The Wilkinsons were joined by Winchester Rotaractor Luke Addison, who founded Winchester Rotary’s youth wing last year.

The 21-year-old twinned Kasese and Winchester Rotaracts, helping them build a well for clean water at a local primary school.

Uganda has a 70 per cent literacy rate and 40 per cent of its population lives in poverty.

In six months the global Rotary has reached 14,000 pupils and more than 200 teachers, with 80 per cent using libraries which volunteers have helped to fund and build.

Mr Addison said: “The trip was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I want to go back. I think it’s going to be my passion and drive as long as I live.”