SIR — Your paper has recently been full of articles and letters declaring dismay and anger at the scale and number of developments being approved and considered by the city council (eg 90 homes on greenfield site at Francis Gardens; 2,000 homes on greenfield site at Barton Farm; 56-bed, 60-staff carehome on site of Stanmore Hotel).

The message is clear from them all: Winchester is being ruined and the people who live here are not being listened to.

And now another greenfield site, Pitt Manor, is being considered for development by the city planners, with plans for 200 homes and 200 spaces for park & ride to be placed in the field opposite St Peter’s Primary School, cornering Romsey Road and Kilham Lane.

Another proposal to pile on top of all the other proposals that increase traffic levels, noise, congestion and air pollution (a county council report concludes Winchester tops the list of air pollution in Hampshire!); compromise pedestrian and cyclists’ safety; overload and exhaust schools, doctors and dentists; and destroy another greenfield site with unnecessary inappropriate development.

So perhaps it’s time to send out another message, but this time a little louder: enough is enough! The floodgates have already been allowed to become ajar to over-development in our city. Let’s work together to try and stop them being opened any further!

Join our campaign to ‘Keep Pitt Green’ and help ‘Save Winchester’.

If our message is loud enough this time, we may get the council to actually listen to us!

This application to develop on Pitt Manor has enormous negative implications for a huge local area, and for Winchester as a whole.

M Buhl-Nielsen, Kilham Lane, Winchester.