SIR — I read with considerable interest the article in the Hampshire Chronicle (October 15), regarding student parking, and one man’s three-hour crusade in the Stanmore area, as the residents in the roads around Bereweeke Avenue are afflicted in a similar manner by the students attending Peter Symonds College.

Whilst the city council has introduced a range of restricted (single yellow lines) and unrestricted parking areas in our roads, we are still inundated during college term times, mainly with students parking their cars, and also teachers at the local school and the people at the adult training centre.

It is acknowledged that the parking problem is not the students’ or teachers’ fault, but the lack of consideration as to where people using the facility can park during the initial planning stage.

It was also interesting to read that the city council is not keen on allowing extra parking on campus, as it would simply attract more traffic into the city.

This is somewhat ambiguous as both the university and Peter Symonds College are expanding their facilities whilst the city council are not prepared to sanction campus parking.

From my experience, the students, as soon as they pass their driving test, are driving into Winchester and appear to have no desire to use public transport.

Therefore, I think it is fair to ask what steps the city council will carry out to remove the high levels of street parking around our colleges.

As an aside, while they are contemplating this request, perhaps they could also include resolving the staff parking situation emanating from the new Waitrose development, the prospective Aldi store, and the Sunrise Development in the Weeke area of Winchester.

D Marsh, Vernham Road, Weeke.