
  • Pubs get local ale accolade

    THREE pubs have received an award from real ale group, Camra, for stocking local beer. It has saluted two pubs in Winchester, which are The Fulflood Arms in Fulflood and The Old Vine in The Square. It has also recognised The Bugle Inn at Twyford, which

  • 'Kept in dark over aliens'

    A WINCHESTER City councillor has claimed that extra terrestrial beings are secretly walking the planet. Adrian Hicks, pictured above, made the revelation during a 27- minute recorded speech in which he addressed an organisation called ‘Majestic

  • Marwell founder's book signing

    THE man who founded Marwell Zoo will be signing copies of his autobiography - in a hotel across the car park from the zoo. John Knowles established the zoo in the 1970s but resigned in 2006 after a disagreement with the board of trustees over links with