‘WHEN I see a car parked on the pavement, I want to knock its wing mirror off.’

That was the statement one councillor used to describe his disdain for poor parking in Winchester city centre.

At Wednesday’s town forum meeting councillors discussed the new ‘walking strategy’ which aims to see fewer cars on city streets.

But talk soon turned to ‘pavement parking’, which chairman Cllr Robert Hutchison said is “another issue that the police are not willing to enforce.”

During a lively discussion Cllr Ian Tait said: “I hate it when cars park on the pavement because I just want to walk past, break off their wing mirrors and say ‘oops I didn’t see your car there’.”

The forum quickly moved on to evening bus services. Portfolio holder for communities and transport, Cllr Mike Southgate, said he is “in discussions with the county and our own officers to see whether we can try to continue bus services past 7pm.”