THE leader of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council leader has vowed to go "full speed ahead" following the leadership group's success in the local elections.

Announcing that the council's decision-making cabinet will stay the same, Cllr Paul Harvey said the administration will now focus on delivering "what residents have said is important to them". 

As Cllr Harvey was elected as leader for a four-year term in May 2023, he will continue in the role and it was confirmed at a council meeting on Thursday, May 16, that all cabinet members will continue in their roles.

READ MORE: Setback for Conservatives in Basingstoke council elections

Basingstoke Gazette: Cllr Gavin James (left) and Cllr Paul HarveyCllr Gavin James (left) and Cllr Paul Harvey (Image: Kiran Sajan)

Cllr Gavin James will continue as co-leader, as well as the cabinet member for finance, business and property.

The other cabinet members, who are a mix of Independent Forum and Liberal Democrat councillors, are:

  • Cabinet member for climate and ecological emergency - Cllr Chris Tomblin

  • Cabinet member for communities, partnerships and inclusion - Cllr John Mckay

  • Cabinet member for major projects and regeneration - Cllr Onnalee Cubitt

  • Cabinet member for residents’ services and housing - Cllr Laura James

  • Cabinet member for sports, leisure and culture - Cllr Kerry Morrow

  • Cabinet member for strategic planning and infrastructure - Cllr Andy Konieczko

Cllr Harvey said: “We reset the council’s priorities and budget in some places to better fit the direction we think the council should be going in when we formed the administration last May. In our second year, it is now a case of full speed ahead to ensure we are achieving what we set out to do for residents and communities. This was based on listening to what they told us was most important to them.

“Our administration is a collective of councillors all working together for the good of the borough and by keeping the same team in place we are ensuring continuity and strength to deliver on our ambitious programme to ensure we are giving people back pride in their borough, providing the standard of services that they deserve and tackling climate change and responding to the ecological emergency.”

Cllr James added: “One thing all 54 councillors at the borough council agree on is how proud we are of our communities and how we want to do the best for the people living here. We want to continue to make progress on working together to ensure Basingstoke and Deane is a better place for everyone and to run a council that is inclusive, open and welcoming.”

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The first meeting of cabinet for the 2024-25 council year will be on Tuesday, June 11.

The announcement follows elections for a third of borough council seats on Thursday, May 2. The overall council composition is now:

  • Conservative - 15 seats

  • Labour - 11 seats

  • Liberal Democrats - 11 seats

  • Basingstoke and Deane Independent Forum - 17 seats (Basingstoke & Deane Independents 11 seats, Independents - three seats, Green Party - two seats,  Women's Equality Party - one seat)