A WINCHESTER man must pay compensation after he stole wine from the same shop twice in the same week.

James Green, 55, of Durngate, was charged with two counts of theft after he stole a bottle of wine worth £9 from Marks & Spencer on Sunday, February 25 and again on Thursday, February 29.

This was just weeks after he had stolen wine from the same shop on Monday, January 29 and Wednesday, January 31, which he had previously pleaded guilty to and had been fined for.

Appearing at Basingstoke Magistrates’ Court on Thursday May 9, he pleaded guilty to both of the recent charges.

Green must pay a £145 fine, as well as £18 compensation. He must also pay £85 costs and a £48 victim surcharge.

The total of £296 must be paid in full by August 9.