Peter Symonds Collage Wellbeing day


With the way we all lead fast paced busy lives, keeping up with your mental and physical wellbeing is such an important thing to remember to do. At the moment, it is exam season for us students at Peter Symonds and for other colleges and universities around the country so, just before they (exams) kicked off, Peter Symonds had a wellbeing day on  wednesday the 17th of April 1 week before study leave.


That day, there were a range of things out on the field for students to partake in, such as stalls and tents promoting fitness and physical health such as anti smoking, breast cancer awareness and healthy eating  stalls where you could get on a bike and pedal to  make your own smoothie. There was even a climbing wall for students to que up for along with hula hoops and ball games to play with.


Students favourites of this day however were the Dj van and most of all, the petting farm with therapy sheep, goats, pigs and a Shetland pony. These therapy farm animals work and are trained the same way as therapy dogs, so the environment was not overwhelming for them as they are used to it.These animals were about looking after your mental health, taking some time to stop, relax ... .and pet the goats.


It was such a good event and many students were out on the field that lunchtime, including myself, trying to relax just before exams and study leave, getting some anti stress advice as well. 


I spoke to several students (my friends and classmates) after the event to see what they thought, the overall consensus was that it was actually quite fun and effective, with the interactive elements encouraging more students to go have a look and more to think about their wellbeing.  I also spoke to my tutor on what she thought of the event and she too enjoyed it, as there was stuff for everyone, students and teachers.


Peter Symonds push for wellbeing within their collage community is a very important thing, especially in a learning environment. Events and days like these are crucial to make students think about their health in a fun way and should be done across every college.